Slide-In Box
The movement and appearance behavior of slide-in campaign make it effective for every scenario to reach the desired destination.
Slide-in campaign is suitable for any kind of promotions , announcements , subscriptions, display offers and increase user engagement.

Slide-in templates for different scenario
Utilize the OptinAble’s free pre-designed templates to make your campaign successful. Get all the benefits of slide-in by using professionally designed templates and fully loaded drag-drop builder to make eye-catching design of your campaign.
Capture High Rate of Lead Conversion
Slide-in campaign of OptinAble have potential to grab visitor attention because of it’s visibility behavior. The appearance of slide-in capture user attention that helps to improve your lead generation.

Strategic Placement
OptinAble maximize the visibility of slide-in campaign by positioning to display into the view from different edges of the screen such as top, bottom, left or right. This feature of slide-in campaign allows you to place the campaign strategically that make it’s visibility attractive.