Case studies are valuable for increasing leads, sales, and the plethora of your business. They consist of excerpts from real customers who benefited from your offerings to fulfill their objectives.
It is considered one of the most important steps in gaining the audience’s trust, and trust is not easily gained. It is about asserting oneself and showing that one is on par with the material on the Internet.
However, you do not want to bore the visitors with your case study structure, which is still quite delightful. It enables you to narrate and demonstrate a mini-tale of how you can benefit your customers in various ways.
Many case studies examples are plain dull, and visitors will not be fooled into picking up the dull stuff as if they could not deliver the goods. It is time for a change, as you must explain that visitors should start loving the customers’ success stories to effectively promote the in-depth case studies.
But how do you do it? Writing a case study can be challenging, especially if it is the writer’s first time working on this project. No specific writing guide covers that, as it would usually be taught in a marketing class. This guide will look at everything you need to know about the key and how to store a bicycle inside your car safely.
What is a Case Study
Even in B2B marketing, narratives like case studies—more appropriately known as customer success stories—guide users’ purchasing habits. They appeal to readers’ emotions and reasons, showing that other customers also enjoy using the product, and so will the reader.
Like other stories, case studies follow the format of a cake mix, with the customer introduction and problem being the start, the solution being the middle, and the result or the end goal being the end or conclusion.
However, one major question concerns how a case study is presented since it determines whether it will perform its function. Your audience should easily understand the challenges of the highlighted clients and see how the solution will be helpful when they are in the same situation.
They are not commercials or medium messages that familiarize audiences with your firm’s evolutionary story. It is all about the customers, and as is expected, the tone of the print ads is all about them. Now that we know why case studies are good for business, it is time to find out how they are useful and why you must create them.
Why Create a Marketing Case Study
They are certainly not visible on the first page of search engines, but once the visitor has arrived on your website, there are surely a few better ways to capture leads and sell. This leads us to the question—why so, and should you ever create marketing case studies?
According to research by B2B Marketing, case studies/success stories lie in third place concerning the popularity of the content format; approximately 31% of marketers employ them to expand their business. These results must be stunning, and so are the perks of producing a remarkable marketing case study.
It is worth checking this whole tactic with an example, You know.
Let’s pretend you are a customer relationship management software vendor aimed at small businesses. You have all the important ones and other complex features that are customizable according to the requirements of various fields. About five of your competitors also provide similar attributes for equal price structures. So, let me, as a customer, discuss what may become the key to influencing the decision to purchase the software subscription.
You have compared features and price offers, read about the interface, and ensured you have looked at other aspects. Now, two of your competitors have come up with innovative cases that were possible due to the software supporting customer relationships of leading brands. For instance, you have not set up such a study to showcase on the website’s home page, which gets many user visits.
How to Create a Compelling Case Study
Suppose your company is strictly business or involves selling a product to the consumer. In that case, the following details will assist you in preparing a marketing tool that will benefit your enterprise for several years.
1 – Start By Featuring The Right Customer
The quality you get in a customer success story is relative to the customer being used. It’s in your best interests to get the kind of user who is already motivated to use your product because of the outcomes it brings. The customer should also be able to clearly express the benefits he derived from using the product. When the successful result is not going to be written by the customer, you have to ensure that you make the reader feel the customer’s enthusiasm.
It would be beneficial to try to get a person your intended audience can easily identify with. If you are targeting operations managers, show someone in an operations managerial position. If the niche is business people, and more specifically, small business persons, then showcase an owner of a small business.
2 – Identify Your Customers’ Goals And Challenges
They still lack the best testimonials to show why their company is the best in its industry. Mrs C only read your case study to confirm whether a certain product helped someone like her in the same situation. They would not care about what your story is trying to say if you do not highlight the issues they face daily when deciding to purchase.
This led me to the fourth rule: you need to understand your audience. You have to identify what they are endeavoring for and what obstacles are being thrown in their way. Only then will you be ready to present customer success stories that will suit the customer’s needs.
3 – Align Your Product With the Problem
If you know your audience’s goals and challenges, then there is nothing wrong with creating a message that declares your product as the solution to such challenges. Create a list of interview questions for your customer that guides the story to its desired end: demonstrating how your customer has benefited and, therefore, achieving your goals of showing your customers amazing outcomes.
The ability to ask the proper questions is, to a greater extent, a creative one. Most good ends soon after the customer gets confused, which is not the case with this scenario. That results from some interview questions, which are normally presented like this. Questions should be in line and lead to a logical sequence to provide the results for the client. They must also draw attention to ‘how the customer has used their product’ or ‘the customer journey while using it.’
Every time your customer responds, their answer should lead back to solving their business needs with your product. It will also be a plus if your audience is appropriate since it will also be one for finding the solution to the reader’s struggles.
4 – Promote the accomplishments of your Customer
There are no other inspiring motivators than quantitative outcomes, particularly for those keen on their performance indicators. Being told that someone managed to lift their revenue from sales after applying your gadget is a different thing altogether. Although it takes much more for the readers to learn that they increased their first-quarter sales by 217%, it also becomes more real and convincing.
Most auto-generated case studies miss the part readers are most interested in—the segment with the summary of your customer’s outcomes. There, all the rest is incipit. It is the appetite for the main meal and gives the notion of a supplementary action to another action or event.
But you must be real if you want to shake things up. Failing to do so will be a letdown to the reader and will not help convey the message that is intended to be passed across. Comedy is great, but leaving something out will knock the legs out from under the rest of the story you could be telling.
By adding quantitative data, you can amplify the product’s effect, such as the level of sales, web traffic to the client’s sites, or changes in the company’s efficiency.
5 – Optimize Your Case Study For Readability
Depending on the content of your interview with a customer and the content created for a case study, you will have few choices as to formats to present it. Readability is the key. In every toy box, there are always those prized toys that are easy to play with and those complicated ones that one never tires of exploring throughout the day. Here are some tips to help you make the customer’s story as easily readable and enjoyable as possible.
- I was surprised that there’s no need to use any styling now. Use lots of white space and bullet points where applicable to free up as much screen space as possible. That makes it easy for the reader to follow through with the information, which can otherwise be overwhelming.
- Such a portfolio should contain pictures depicting the customer using the product. It is also okay to pose in one of the photos; the featured people are probably family or friends. Staring at your facial features will allow the reader to establish a link with your company!
- This is especially important during the writing process, where subheadings help the reader progress from the challenge or problem to the solution and the result.
6 – A/B Test Different Formats
It is quite possible that, once in a while, using the same mechanism that has always served a reader adequately is not enough. Your case study page’s links and other elements should be set distinctly. Regarding professions or cases, using podcasts or intents should be attempted along with amplifications such as infographics, images, webinars, or video/audio podcasts.
Provide evidence of customer perspective and amplify their instances to attract visitors’ attention. Book  Change the design and layout of the page to suit the different sections.
Experiment with one landing page version and compare it to another to determine which is more successful when generating leads and wanting to convert. Even if you start with a test, you can quickly improve sales and conversion indicators.
Real-Life Case Study Examples (and Tips)
Here are some case study examples and tips:
1 – OptinAble

It is even more intriguing in this case because OptinAble is purely concerned with emphasizing the results using numbers. The problem, solution and results are distinct and arranged, and the impression of the company plus the problem solved also creates an impression.
2 – Bitly

Bitly’s case study of Vissla is available in PDF format. The company has been mainly preoccupied with numbers, incorporating an appealing color scheme that draws visitors’ attention to it. The study is credible because it uses screenshots and quotes to support its arguments.
3 – Adroll

Adroll’s case studies highlight a common lesson: detailing their client’s success story. They have provided all the necessary details, from the client information to the problem and the solution; the stats plus results section is also well presented in a manner that does not put off visitors.
That being said, it is time to learn how to deliver or share your case study to your audience or readers with a clearer understanding of how various businesses use such.
Gating Case Studies On Your Website
This is an impressive list of large subscriptions, and if you have created a highly engaging and inspiring case study, one can safely assume that the readers will be more than willing to join your mailing list for this particular piece. If your case study is behind a form that you want people to fill in, there are more considerations to be made.
First, striving for a higher readability level will be necessary. Usually, the content behind the gate is an article, let’s say, in PDF format. Ask the company’s graphic designer to convert the case study content into a document containing the company’s branded colors, logo, and standard header and footer format. This gives a professional outlook, and as the document is recurring, having a template is advantageous when the next case study is to be accomplished.
Secondly, stake the case study behind a pop-up offer, and thirdly, stay engaged with the readers by creating interactive content. The OptinAble offer campaign should inform visitors that they will be subscribed to the company’s mailing list and will also be emailed the downloadable case study.
Here are a couple of tips for using an offer for this purpose:
- Make it juicy: We can always reduce the number of words in pop-ups. Perhaps it is best to use one of the most engaging numbers and write a piece to encourage more readers to act. For instance, one OptinAble customer boosted his conversion rate by 250 %! To find out how, please get this free case study! The two-step copy here can be written as follows.
- Make it targeted: Steve asked, “Where and when should that offer appear on the site?” to reinforce that selecting the right offer to display is no less important than the actual offer itself. So, do not aggressively sell them a free case within the first few seconds after landing on your website. Locate the offer appealingly with the help of targeting options provided by OptinAble after they spend some time on the product or the pricing page of your website or after they have read the most recent blog on a related topic.
- Make it timely: Make sure you ‘pipe’ this lead into a CRM, MAP, or email system so that whenever a lead is sent through OptinAble, a follow-up email with the attached case study goes out. Don’t forget to ask them to convert after reading your impressive case study results using a call to action section with buttons such as Schedule a demo, Request pricing, Order now, or any other that will compel the visitors to action.
This is because writing case studies requires time, effort, and extensive research to develop a well-written case. But do not think that you are safe from his challenge when a player completes that first game. Your objective should be to build up a list of stories that either bring a prospect further into the funnel or stimulate a product purchase.